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angular momentum coupling coefficients


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1: 34.12 Physical Applications
The angular momentum coupling coefficients ( 3 j , 6 j , and 9 j symbols) are essential in the fields of nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics. …
2: 34.1 Special Notation
For other notations for 3 j , 6 j , 9 j symbols, see Edmonds (1974, pp. 52, 97, 104–105) and Varshalovich et al. (1988, §§8.11, 9.10, 10.10).
3: Bibliography T
  • T. Tamura (1970) Angular momentum coupling coefficients. Comput. Phys. Comm. 1 (5), pp. 337–342.
  • 4: Bibliography F
  • D. F. Fang and J. F. Shriner (1992) A computer program for the calculation of angular-momentum coupling coefficients. Comput. Phys. Comm. 70 (1), pp. 147–153.
  • 5: 16.24 Physical Applications
    §16.24(iii) 3 j , 6 j , and 9 j Symbols
    The 3 j symbols, or Clebsch–Gordan coefficients, play an important role in the decomposition of reducible representations of the rotation group into irreducible representations. …The coefficients of transformations between different coupling schemes of three angular momenta are related to the Wigner 6 j symbols. …